
Nonsense is Useful When Focused

Recorded on 2019-01-21

Exploration, play, and mastery of digital computer equipment has been a growing trend in public education for quite some time. Because schools have increased an emphasis for STEM practices across the nation schools must transcend linear classroom structures. The Digital Arts and Technology Academy is an effort to challenge that and to provide a new […]

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Enhancing STEM: The Arts Effect

Recorded on 23-04-2015

Ruth Catchen and Carolyn DeCristofano, collaborators in a pilot project to add the arts to a visable STEM curriculum, Engineering is Elementary, discuss the process and importance of making STEM into STEAM.

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Introduction to Art and Earth Science

Recorded on 05-11-2014

Dr. Kathy Ellins and Dr. Susan Eriksson address the current status of art and earth science collaborations and new directions that could bolster their utility in geoscience research and education. Dr. Kathy Ellins works in the office of Outreach and Diversity in the Jackson School of Geosciences at the University of Texas at Austin, while Dr. Susan […]

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