Nonsense is Useful When Focused


New Leonardos art

Exploration, play, and mastery of digital computer equipment has been a growing trend in public education for quite some time. Because schools have increased an emphasis for STEM practices across the nation schools must transcend linear classroom structures. The Digital Arts and Technology Academy is an effort to challenge that and to provide a new curriculum model in Grand Prairie Independent School District with an emphasis on starting at the middle school level. Curriculum strategy and development is something that all schools seek to be better at and with standardized test score accountability systems in place, teachers are always looking at new ways to increase student interaction as well as problem solving and critical thinking skills. The Digital Arts and Technology Academy is an effort to transform a traditional middle school structure within a three-year program design and use an approach to bridge post-secondary educational goals with public school systems through technology and a non-traditional classroom engagement philosophy. This will be a brief demonstration of strategies that can be implemented for school improvement, increasing interactivity, and why for us the transformation of a traditional school system can work in public education.

Bumpers by Hal Clark

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